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Batting 60 Mph DBAT Austin

Dieser Mann spielt mit sich selbst Baseball ⚾⚾⚾

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2025-03-30 00:22 3,913 Youtube

Heater Heater Sports PowerAlley Lite-Ball Pitching Machine & PowerAlley Batting Cage Review

Heater Heater Sports PowerAlley Lite-Ball Pitching Machine & PowerAlley Batting Cage Review Heater Heater Sports PowerAlley Lite-Ball Pitchi...

2015-02-24 00:50 1 Dailymotion

The BAT Chasing Tumblers Down the Street!! (The Dark Knight Rises)

I film the new "Bat" chasing the Tumblers and HEMTT down the street. They were going about 60 mph from what I heard. It looks awesome flying past! Subscribe for...

2015-06-10 00:41 6 Dailymotion

Samurai Cuts Baseball Traveling 100 MPH in Half

Hitting a 100 MPH fastball is hard enough for big leaguers when the pitcher is 60 and a half feet away. Now imagine if the pitcher were instead 30 feet away ......

2015-10-15 00:42 1 Dailymotion

Samurai Cuts Baseball Traveling 100 MPH in Half

Hitting a 100 MPH fastball is hard enough for big leaguers when the pitcher is 60 and a half feet away. Now imagine if the pitcher were instead 30 feet away ......

2015-10-14 00:42 37 Dailymotion

Question- "How do you get rid of bats"? Answer- "What's the problem?" Austin,TX USA Merlin Tuttle founded Bat Conservation International (BCI), an organization devoted to research, education and conser...

2017-01-10 10:58 8 Dailymotion